Instituto Resiliencia, part of the Centro de Saberes para a Resiliencia, sent a Propostal to the task group on Economic Recovery of the Committee for the Economic and Social Reconstruction which was created at the Spaniard Parliament with the goal of suggesting policies to the Government for the recovery after COVID-19 pandemics.
This document contains a basic recommendation and counted with the collaboration of other institutions: GEEDS (Grupo de Energía, Economía y Dinámica de Sistemas) at Valladolid University, GinTRANS2 (Grupo de investigación TRANSdisciplinar sobre TRANSiciones socioecológicas) and AEREN (Asociación para el Estudio de los Recursos ENergéticos), part of international organization ASPO.
The Basic Proposal in this document is based on a previous work: recommendations for the Ministry of Energy Transition (november 2018) which was made as a contribution to the project of Law on Climate Change and Energy Transition. Instituto Resiliencia and the other organizations ask the Committee for the “appearance before the committee of […] experts on Ecological Economics, Socioeconomic Metabolism and Modelling of Energy Transition, from Spanish universities and other research institutions, to determine if there is a basis for considering that keeping economic growth measured as GDP growth is feasable”.
Document can be downloaded from Spanish Congress of Deputies official site.